"The Jazz Half" Night is coming soon to the Lyric!
The Lyric, a new venue in the heart of Reading, is open and ready to host some great performances. I'm excited to announce the SECOND WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH is officially “The Jazz Half” night at the Lyric!!!
October 8th is the kickoff evening featuring sensational vocalist April Aloisio. The Lyric is located at 8907 Reading Rd. (behind Lucy’s Diner) and the show runs from 7 to 10pm. Admission is $5.00, and affordably-priced concessions and [non-alcoholic] beverages will be available.
Spread the word to everyone you know! The Jazz Half night at the Lyric is aiming to become another fantastic jazz event in the city!!! For more information or questions, send an email to liveatthelyric@gmail.com or email@thejazzhalf.com . See you there!