"What if" moment: Bringing the future to the Prohibition Era
I can't help but wonder what if these establishments of the prohibition era had the advantage of today's technologies? Think about it: Speakeasies with video & motion detector systems to anticipate a surprise visit from uninvited authorities. As live jazz music plays in the main room, the gambling parlor is located in a room in the back, completely equipped with laptops and Wi-Fi, and patrons playing their hands on partypoker.com. This would be a heck of a lot easier for cleaning up - no chips, cards, or money to clear off tables in the event of a raid (ha-ha).
Bringing some of the technology of today to these types of establishments of yesterday, I can't help but wonder if the lifespan of these places could have ever been extended; in turn, possibly changing the course of Jazz Music. Sort of like taking an iPad with you in a time machine back to the 20's, wouldn't you agree?
- JH
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